02:30 God answered my prayer for a new spouse 14:38 Overcoming my speaking disorder 20:35 I learned I can trust others 26:09 All things work together for good for those who love God 31:33 Be anxious for nothing - allowing God to remove your doubts Steven Jones tells of his faith journey: the passing of his first wife, God answering his request for certain qualities in a new spouse, overcoming his speaking disorder, and out of it all his current ministry to help others with similar speech challenges. Previous Episodes /Playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR... Visit CultivateurFaith.com for more information on CultivateurFaith Ministries and CultivateurFaith Podcast. You may support CultivateurFaith Ministries by purchasing one of these books by Throy Campbell, PhD: (1) Cultivating Your Faith: Being at One With Your God: Experiencing Restoration in Christ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09ZSK38PH/... (2) Cultivating Faith: My Life Experiences https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B14MBL6J/... Throy Campbell, PhD Founder of CultivateurFaith Ministries Host of CultivateurFaith Podcast Bio Sketch Steven Jones is originally from TX, moved around a s a child to Louisiana, Arkansas, DC, Alabama, and now resides in Dallas Texas. He has a wealth of experience in corporate America. For coaching with speech disorder/challenges you may contact Steven: Email address: Foundationsoflifecoaching@gmail.com Telephone #: 214 725 1838