2:00 How to know God is speaking to you 8:00 Powerlifting for Christ 14:36 Tested by fire 27:30 After the fire 32: 38 I will be your refuge Part 1 - https://youtu.be/V98CDw-k1y0 Rome Ulia shares how God took him from a broken family situation to a powerlifting ministry— bringing others to Christ. His new faith brought reconciliation with his dad, wife, and son. “The enemy threw something at me and he missed!” Pastor Rome Ulia is from Auckland, New Zealand. Rome graduated from Avondale University with a Bachelor’s in Theology. He served as the School Evangelist for the North NSW Conference in Australia before accepting the call to the United States. Rome is the Lead Pastor at Auburn Adventist Academy Church under the Washington Conference. Rome is an International Speaker. He is married to Keti Ulia, and they have five beautiful children. Rome is passionate about Evangelism, Discipling people to Christ, and Powerlifting as a way to connect with people. Previous Episodes /Playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR... Visit CultivateurFaith.com for more information on CultivateurFaith Ministries and CultivateurFaith Podcast. You may support CultivateurFaith Ministries by purchasing one of these books by Throy Campbell, PhD: (1) Cultivating Your Faith: Being at One With Your God: Experiencing Restoration in Christ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09ZSK38PH/... (2) Cultivating Faith: My Life Experiences https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B14MBL6J/... Throy Campbell, PhD Founder of CultivateurFaith Ministries Host of CultivateurFaith Podcast